Monday, September 26, 2016

Reading update from Mrs. Windriver

4th grade reading:
This week we learned about first and third person point of view.
Students also continued in their book clubs. On Monday I am sending home a sheet on how to access your child's Edmodo through your own access code.  Please be sure to check your child's work in here. Many students are struggling to turn in the quality of work I know they are capable of. Further, I always make comments on the work they've turned in (2s & 1s) so they know how to improve the following week. We even brainstormed key elements our Edmodo should contain, which is posted in the class. I am still seeing incomplete sentences, lowercase proper nouns, and no punctuation. Students who receive a 1 will go to study hall on Mondays to fix their work.

On Thursday we had a Latin/Greek test. Your child will take notes on new roots this Monday.