Tuesday, October 4, 2016

September 26-29

Hello 4th grade families,
This week in math we wrapped up our review of the partial sum and partial difference method of addition and subtraction. Later in the year we will revisit addition and subtraction and they will learn the standard algorithm.
For projects, each student was assigned a group of people that settled into Nevada and shaped our history, including the hunter gatherers, Native American, miners, Mormons, and basque. For now they are creating timelines of major events for their group of people.
Thanks all and have a great week!

A note from Mrs. Windriver:
We are reviewing this week and next. We have covered a lot of vocabulary this quarter, so we are taking the time to recap.

There will be a Latin/Greek test on Thursday 10/6 (novem/9, dec/10, cent/100, mill/1,000).