Monday, May 18, 2015

Q. Why did Goofy take a ladder to school? A. Because he wanted to get to high school.

Monday at Lunch=  Multiplication Club
Monday- Ag in the Classroom Actvities

Tuesday- We are packing up our rooms and cleaning!

Wednesday- Graduation and Awards/ Adopt a Pilot Program

Thursday- Field Day!!! ( We will keep you posted depending on the weather)

Remember to print of permission slips for rock wall!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Q: "What's the difference between a guitar and a fish?" A: "You can't tuna fish." 

Thank you everyone for all your support, help, and gifts throughout teacher appreciation week. I am so thankful to be part of Oasis Academy.

3rd grade~ Has your child told you about their Lego houses? We are finishing laying our carpet and tile in our houses this week. Students will also start budgeting and figuring out the cost if they were to build their dream houses.

4th grade ~ Students created fabulous Lego houses in which they had to carpet and tile. HowBe sure to check the blog for pictures this week.  Students will also start budgeting and figuring out the cost if they were to build their dream houses.

5th grade~ We are starting to build our displays for our Candy Shop! If anyone would like to donate candy for our project that would be great!

Projects~ We are still working on energy! This week we are looking into kinetic and potential energy a little bit deeper.

Remember Field Day is coming up. It wouldn't be possible without parent volunteers! Please come help us if you can. We would love your help.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

. When is a baseball player like a spider? When he catches a fly!

Testing has finally came to an end! Thank you to everyone who brought in snacks for the kids. They worked very hard to finish all their tests. I am so proud of them.

3rd Grade- We are working on finding the area of our dream home's this week.

4th- We are working on finding the area and perimeter of each room in our dream home.

5th- We are working on creating a candy store! Ask your child about what they have to do!

Projects- We are learning about energy! We will be doing short experiments to understand what energy is!