Friday, March 27, 2015

Q: Where did the sheep go on vacation? A: The baaaahamas

  This week students will be preparing for the Smarter Balanced Test. We will have students taking the practice test on the computer and go through the tools that they need. Our rotations for math,reading, and writing will be different due to the practice testing.

Monday afternoon students need to pack a cold lunch as we will be eating at the park and will have no access to microwaves.

Wednesday afternoon students will be playing board games and making nachos! If your child has a game they would like to bring please feel free to bring it in.

There will be no homework in math this week for all three classes.

Projects- Students will be finishing up their lap books and presenting them to their peers on Thursday. Students will also have a short vocabulary quiz (matching) on Thursday afternoon.

Spring break will begin the 6th and end the 12th! I hope everyone has a wonderful break!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

What do elves learn in school? The elf-abet

I hope everyone had a great weekend! Conferences are starting Thursday and Friday. If your child is in 3rd or 5th grade and you would like to have a conference with me please send me an email and we can set up a time.

3rd grade- We are working on how to collect fractional data and create the data we collect into a  line plot!

4th grade- We are diving into geometry. Starting with learning the difference in angles!

5th grade- We are learning how to collect fractional data and build graphs that fit each set of data that is collected.

Parents please remember to send a pair of head phones with your kids for the Smarter Balanced test!

Projects- We are creating working on create our lap books this week. Students are building lap books on erosion, earthquakes, weathering, and volcanoes. They will have a vocabulary test April 2nd!

Friday, March 13, 2015

Q: What’s bigger than an elephant, but doesn’t weigh anything? A: His shadow.

3rd Grade- This week we are learning about triangles. We will learn about the different types of triangles. For example,equilateral, isosceles, scalene, and right triangles. We will have a small quiz on Thursday over quadrilaterals and triangles.

4th Grade- We are working with solving word problems by adding and subtracting fractions. We will have a quiz on Thursday over adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers.

5th- We are going to learn about different triangles and how we can identify them with their angles. We will have a quiz on Thursday over quadrilaterals and triangles.

Projects- We are still learning about the earth! I hope your kids have shared about all our cool mini experiments we have been doing. We are going to start creating our final project as a tribe, which will be a lap-book. Here is a link to see what they are going to make!

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Q: Can February March? A: No, but April May!

All three grades tests will be sent home on Monday! Please sign and return! 

3rd-  We are diving into Geometry this week! We will start learning about different shapes and angles that make up the shapes. 

4th- We are still practicing with fractions. We are going to learn about mixed numbers and how we add and subtract them! 

5th-  We are going to work with Geometry. Students are going to start finding angles of different 2 dimensional shapes. 

Projects- This week we are still learning about Earth Science. We are learning about erosion, weathering, glaciers, volcanoes and earthquakes and how they change our land. We will put our knowledge of rocks and minerals to use and see how they are created through these different natural causes. Students will be getting a list of vocabulary words this week! (Check out our pictures from cracking open geodes!)

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Why does the pirate take so long to learn his alphabet?..... He spent so much time at C

This week in 3rd grade we are learning about collecting data and creating bar graphs, picture graphs, and line plots. We will have a quiz on Thursday!

4th grade we are still working on fractions and finding the common denominator. We will have a test on Thursday on adding and subtracting with like and unlike denominators. HERE IS A HOMEWORK HELP VIDEO!!

5th grade we are diving into finding the volume of rectangles and squares!

Projects we are diving into our new Geology project! The students will be breaking open rocks and observing metamorphic, igneous, and sedimentary rocks.

Remember the 100th day of school is on Tuesday so bring in your collections!