Friday, October 6, 2017

Week 5

We are finally wrapping up the research portion of this project.  It has definitely been a tough task, but these kids have been working hard and have pulled through.  This week we will finish up our final drafts of the group essay and start planning for the models they will be making of their group.  They are excited for this portion and it will be fun to see what they come up with.  I will be in contact with possible supplies needed from home, if you have them.

We also had our first Masters of Geography members:  Jilliana and Trevor.  The kids are enjoying the short time they have to work on this fun project.

With it being fall, please remember to put names on jackets and coats and only school approved jackets can be worn in class.  Your children are a delight to have in class, I look forward to each afternoon I get to share with them.  Please let me know if you have any concerns or questions.