Saturday, October 7, 2017

10/2-10/5 Reading update with Mrs. Luyt

Reading: This week  we learned about first and third person point of view.  On Thursday, the students took their first Latin/Greek test. I'll be returning those to the students on Monday. If you child received a 1, please be sure to sign and return the test so I know you have seen it. Next week, we will be introducing character traits. In addition, students will be getting new Latin/Greek roots. The next test for Latin/Greek will be 10/19.

Students who were identified as needing to practice spelling, received a new spelling list distributed to them on 10/2/17. The next spelling test is 10/12. If your child doesn't receive a spelling list, they were not identified as one that needs to continue with spelling at this time.

Homework: Read 20 minutes everyday. Study spelling list for those who got a list (assessment 10/12). Study Latin/Greek words for assessment  (assessment 10/19).