Sunday, December 10, 2017

Week 13

I enjoyed meeting and visiting with many of you at conferences this past Friday.  We appreciate your support of your child's education!

This week in projects we have continued to work hard on our Nevada: Inside and Out project.  We are hoping to finish the maps early this week and have presentations soon.  We will be getting more information out to you as we get closer to finishing.  The students are excited to share their maps with you.

On December 21st we will be having a class Christmas party in the afternoon.  We will be doing secret Santa gifts for each other.  I sent the papers home on Wednesday of who they have.  There is a $5 limit to make it fair for everyone and if you aren't able to provide a gift please let us know so we can make sure we have something for everyone.  Please bring in gifts by Wednesday, December 20th.  We will be having popcorn and hot chocolate while we watch a movie.  If you have any questions, please email me.