Thursday, November 17, 2016

Projects update from Ms. Williams

Hello parents! 

I just wanted to give you an update on what we have done this week as well as what we will be doing next week. This week students have been working on building their maps of Nevada. They have been working hard, but we have run into some obstacles. Because we want your students to have the time to do their best work, both 4th grade classes have decided to postpone the map presentations (that were supposed to be the 22nd) to after Thanksgiving. Please don't tell your students until after school tomorrow, as I don't want them to slack off because they know they have more time. My hope is that they will be almost done with their maps tomorrow and then they will absolutely finish Monday and practice their presentations the rest of Monday and Tuesday.

We will have the presentations Tuesday the 29th from 2-3 without fail (as we need to move on to other topics of study). Please join us and see what your student has produced through all of their hard work!

Also, I have received some great ideas for methods of controlling the water bottles, but I am realizing my limitations, and so I wonder if any of you wonderful amazing parents would be willing and able to actually produce water bottle holders for our class? I can make sure you are reimbursed for any materials and if you keep track of your time, it will count towards your volunteer hours. If any of you are interested, please let me know!

I hope you have an amazing Thanksgiving! I know I am very thankful to have the privilege of teaching your children.