Sunday, April 3, 2016

April 4-7

Hello Everyone!

I hope Spring Break was refreshing and enjoyable for you all! I am sure everyone is excited to come back to school.

This week we have a lot going on in projects. We will be looking at what causes day and night, how the sun makes shadows, and the appearance of constellations in the night sky.

Many of these are using hands on activities which require some extra materials. I am hoping that students can bring in a few items to help keep the groups smaller. I am including the list of supplies below as well as a goal number for each item.

  • Flashlights (10)
  • Flexible tape measures (10) - like the ones used in sewing

Many of these can already be found around the home, please do not feel like you must go out and buy anything. Anything sent in will be returned so please clearly label the item so it can be returned to the correct family when we are finished with them. We will begin using the items on Tuesday.

Thank you for everything you do to help our class!

Mrs. Zimmerman