Sunday, March 20, 2016

Headphones needed

Hello all!
It was so great meeting with you for parent conferences! I really enjoyed them. If I didn't meet with you please make sure to contact me so that we can plan and time to meet and get you your student's report card.

This next week will be a different schedule for your students. We will be taking a practice smarter balanced test which will mean no regular rotations. Mrs. Windriver, Mrs. Mori, and I will be taking classes for the full morning instead of rotating to give them the practice tests. This will happen on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. Thursday we will go back to our regular schedule (unless more time is needed for any practice tests).

Speaking of the Smarter Balanced, your student will need headphones for the test. Please feel free to send them to school as soon as you have some and we will keep them at school until the test. If you are unable to send headphones, the school has quite a few that will be available for use.

Thanks and have a wonderful week!
Holly Neal