Monday, November 23, 2015

November 16-19

Hello Fourth Grade Families,
Things are going wonderfully in fourth grade math! Last week we finished up our order of operations and moved into some review. We reviewed 5 different standards which cover place value, comparing, rounding, factors and multiples, and patterns. I will be assessing these this week. For the homework tonight, since we are just reviewing and taking an assessment tomorrow, I want them to pick an IXL assignment that they feel they need to review (covering one of the topics that we have been reviewing). Once again, there is no chosen IXL for tonight (Monday), your student will pick a topic they feel they need to review. Also, tomorrow I will not be assigning homework during Thanksgiving break but I will be sending home a game that practices multiplication facts and I am encouraging them to share it with their families (the rules are attached). Thank you and have a fantastic Thanksgiving!