Friday, March 27, 2015

Q: Where did the sheep go on vacation? A: The baaaahamas

  This week students will be preparing for the Smarter Balanced Test. We will have students taking the practice test on the computer and go through the tools that they need. Our rotations for math,reading, and writing will be different due to the practice testing.

Monday afternoon students need to pack a cold lunch as we will be eating at the park and will have no access to microwaves.

Wednesday afternoon students will be playing board games and making nachos! If your child has a game they would like to bring please feel free to bring it in.

There will be no homework in math this week for all three classes.

Projects- Students will be finishing up their lap books and presenting them to their peers on Thursday. Students will also have a short vocabulary quiz (matching) on Thursday afternoon.

Spring break will begin the 6th and end the 12th! I hope everyone has a wonderful break!