Saturday, September 20, 2014

What do you call an empty parrot cage? A: Polygon.

Sept 22nd-Sept 24th

 This week is our first MATH TEST! In 3rd, 4th & 5th grade we will review for our test on Wednesday and take our test on Thursday. I will be sending home a study guide on Tuesday for the students to start looking over. If they want extra practice for their test please get on IXL and re-due the IXL's we have covered. Ask your child about "Homework Club".

The Fierce 4th grade is starting "The Game of Life" project this week. We will start going over our new vocab on Monday and Tuesday. We will always have a vocab test at the end of the projects! Thursday we will play the "Game of Life" board game for our entry event into our new project.

We split into our new TRIBES last week. The student's worked together to create TRIBE names and come up with goals for each TRIBE. Check out their awesome work!