Monday, April 30, 2018


      This month we continued our studies about energy.  We had fun exploring kinetic and potential energy with Hot Wheels tracks and cars.  We learned that as we increased our potential energy we also increased our kinetic energy.  We observed this by taking measurements of how far our cars would travel with ramps at different heights.  We also discovered that energy is transferred in a collision.  We conducted similar experiments and found that we could make another car roll forward by colliding with it.  We found that as we increased our potential and kinetic energy, we transferred more kinetic energy.
      We then moved on to study how energy travels from place to place.  It is with waves!!!  We learned about the different kinds of waves that transfer energy: Heat, light, sound, water, and electrical currents.  We made string musical instruments with rubber bands.  First, we explored different containers and how it affected the sound that was produced. Then, they chose a container and had to create 3 different pitches with their instrument.  If was fun to watch as they learned the tighter the string, which would vibrate faster, would create a higher pitch.  Or they could choose a thicker rubber band, which would vibrate slower, and create a lower pitch.  There were many options for them to try and explore.  Of course we had to end with a classroom performance!

     We are now moving on to Earth Science and studying erosion.  The kids have some fun stories to share about their personal experiences with erosion.  We have learned about how the Grand Canyon was created. and will be creating our own demonstrations with erosion.  We received a grant to purchase stream table, so this will make our demonstrations even more realistic!  We can't wait to try it out.

I never shared these pictures of when Mrs. Morar came and drew designs on the kids hands during art.  They thought it was so fun!  Thank you for sharing your talents with us, Mrs. Morar!