Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Supply List 2017-2018



(2 pk) 12 #2 pencils (the presharpened ones are amazing by the way)
(1 pk) erasers - large pink or pencil top
(1) 1.5” view binder (this allows for a cover page to be inserted into the front)
(2-3 pks) dry erase markers
(1) dry erase eraser or old sock to use as eraser
(1 pk) markers
(2) glue sticks
(1 or 2) highlighters
(1) scissors
(1) spiral notebook
(1) composition book (black & white marble cover)d
(5) pocket folders that are three-hole punched
(1) water bottle (please provide a reusable water bottle that will, hopefully, last through the school year - we will send them home on Thursdays for cleaning)
(3) boxes of tissues
(1 pk) toilet paper
(3) containers of disinfectant wipes


Crayons/colored pencils
Ziploc bags (various sizes - we use these during projects)

Most of these supplies will be shared with our classroom community so you do not need to label everything with your student’s name.

Please bring supplies on the first day of school so we can get organized.

We look forward to seeing you during Back to School Night which will be August 30th.

Mrs. Antoniono & Ms. Williams
Mrs. Neal & Mrs. Sorensen