Sunday, October 9, 2016

October 3-6

Hello 4th grade families,
This week in math we began to dig into multiplication. We started by reviewing multiples and we learned how to find the least common multiple of two numbers. We then talked about factors and how they differ from multiples. We also learned how to find the greatest common factor of two numbers.

For projects, we are now researching more into our groups of Nevada settlers, including their lifestyles, conflicts and compromises, and contributions to Nevada. As a group, the students will be writing an essay and creating a model of their group of people. They will be asking to bring some supplies to school for their models. If it is something that you do not have or do not want to send to school, that is fine! I told the kids that if they had it and it was ok with their parents they could bring things for their models. I told them that they should not expect their families to buy or make anything for these models. We have plenty of supplies available at school.

Thank you and have a great week!

A note from Mrs. Windriver:

We've continued to review. Please remember to check your child's Edmodo.
Your child is welcome to read some of their book club book at home if they'd like. They can read it for their 20 minutes. On Thursday we had a Latin/Greek test. This can be studied at home as well as school.  They will receive new roots on Monday and will test the Thursday we get back from break.