As first weeks go, I'd say this week was a success! Jumping into the year part way presents some challenges but your children have been great and willing to get down to work. We started the week by reviewing multiples and factors (and discussing the difference between the two). Then we jumped into learning about the order of operations. So far we have found that addition and multiplication are great because of commutative property and associative property. You can add or multiply in any order and get the same answer. Unfortunately that doesn't work the same with subtraction and division. We have worked on doing problems with addition and subtraction together, which must be done left to right (just like when you read), and multiplication and division together, which also go left to right. We just touched on problems with the four operations together and having to do multiplication and division first. We will continue working with order of operations this week.
This next week will also be doing some review. Some of the homework will IXL that your students have already done. If they finish it quickly, they can work on IXL K.1 Find two numbers based on sum and difference for a challenge. Thanks!
Have a wonderful week!
Holly Neal
P.S. I was very impressed by the math fact games your students found or created! We have been having fun playing them in class!