Saturday, September 6, 2014

Sept 8th- Sept 11th

 This week in projects we will continue finishing up our United States region maps. The maps have turned out awesome and each tribe's map is special and unique! We will finish up our slide show presentations this week to present to the class. Stay tuned for pictures that will be posted of the final projects.

 We have been working lots on teamwork and working as a team. If everyone at home can talk about teamwork and what it means to you that would keep all of us on the right track. "Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success". ~Henry Ford 

Math- I am looking for someone to help with math facts in the fifth grade! Please email me if you are interested! 
3rd grade this week we are starting to take a deeper look into skip counting and multiplication.
4th grade this week we will learn how to round using a vertical number line.
5th grade this week will will start learning about how to write decimal fractions in expanded, unit, and word forms by using place value.

I will start sending home lots of papers! Remember that the work we do in class may not always have a grade on it or finished. I rotate students back to work with me in order for them to get a better understanding of the lesson. This will shorten their work time in class. If they bring home unfinished worksheets this is why! We do lots of whiteboard problems instead of actually writing it onto the worksheet.
If you plan on missing school remember it has to be prearranged with the office. For students that miss math you need to find a time that I can meet with you for tutoring so I can catch you up. I am available before school, lunch or after school please just email me with times! I am always happy to tutor or help anyone in need.

Our first field trip for the 4th grade is this week! On Thursday the 4th and 5th grade will be heading to the 9/11 presentation at City Hall. If anyone has conflicts with this please let me know.