Tuesday, September 22, 2015



I have updated the homework page with this week's assignments.

I would also like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that the school collects Box Tops for Education. Mrs. Marsh's Kindergarten class has challenged everyone to see which classes can collect the most Box Tops. Please help collect Box Tops and send them in with your student.

Mrs. Zimmerman

Monday, September 14, 2015

Week of September 14

Hello Everyone!


This week in the 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade math classes we will be taking a break on introducing new information to review all previous concepts. Over the weekend Ms. Williams and I met with Mr. Lewis to discuss our progress so far and fine tune our plans for implementing Math Facts in the classroom.

Ms. Williams and I decided that it would benefit the most students to review our concepts covered so far to ensure that all students completely understand the material before we continue.

In 3rd grade this means reviewing place value, rounding, number forms, partial sum and partial difference.

In 4th grade we will be stepping back to review partial sum and partial difference to better understand how it applies to addition and subtraction in the standard algorithm. This should be review from last year. By the end of the week students will be able to solve multi-digit addition and subtraction problems using both methods.

In 5th grade we will be reviewing partial products in order to better understand the process behind multiplication in the standard algorithm. By the end of the week students will be able to answer multiplication problems using both methods.

After talking to Mr. Lewis, I have also decided to postpone the hard copy requirement. Students need to complete work on paper as necessary to complete problems on IXL but it does not need to be turned in. I will let you know if or when this changes during the year.


In projects students will continue progress on their Who Would Move to Nevada? research. After notes are approved students will begin work on their essay rough drafts which are the summation of their group's research.  Students will also begin producing their timeline items.

Looking forward to another great week,
Mrs. Zimmerman