Sunday, August 30, 2015

Hello! Hello!

Hey there!

Big things are happening this week! In Math the fourth graders will be having their first quiz. We will spend the week reviewing our previous concepts then have our quiz on Thursday. Students will also complete their group plan and begin research after it is approved for their first Social Studies project.

I have a quick side note on homework. It is very important for students to complete homework assignments. I use the information provided from these assignments to determine areas that students need additional help with during class time. I have several students that have not completed any homework. This is not good. Students will still be expected to complete these sections on IXL.

Beginning next week, students that do not complete homework will be sent to study hall. They will continue to attend study hall until all missing homework is complete. I do not wish to send students to study hall. Please help remind your students to complete their homework. All homework information is available here on the blog on the homework page.

One update to my homework policy is how I will be grading it. I will grade homework (specifically IXL) on a weekly basis. Students should have all assignments complete by Fridays at 4:00 p.m. This will provide me with enough time to grade all students' work. This also helps students, as there may be a school night that is very busy. Please do not use this policy as a reason to put off homework till Friday. A lot of times the information covered in class builds upon one another making it very important that students practice one topic before moving on to the next day's topic.

 Have a great week!

Mrs. Zimmerman

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Exciting Week Ahead


The first week of school was a success! I hope that it was as great for all of your students as it was for me.

This week we will start having math homework each night. Please visit the homework page to view the assignment calender as well as additional instructions for completing homework.

We will also begin our first project this week. More information will follow on the project once we begin. I may even add a new page to the blog to keep parents updated on our progress.

Have a great week!

Mrs. Zimmerman

Saturday, August 15, 2015

1st Day of School is Almost Here!

Hello Parents and Students!

I am very excited to see everyone again on Monday!

If you were unable to attend to attend Back to School Night please stop by the classroom Monday morning to sign an internet access agreement. Without this form students will not be able to use their Chrome books. I will also give you the other forms from the binder that need to be completed.

It will also be helpful throughout the year if you follow the blog. This can be done by entering your email address in the box on the right hand side of the blog.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Mrs. Zimmerman